Book Review: Respectable Sins

I came across this book through a bit of a rabbit trail. One of my favorite books is C.J. Mahaney’s Living the Cross Centered Life. In that book, Mahaney often quotes Jerry Bridges. I thought that if I enjoyed Mahaney’s book so much, and he seems to enjoy this Bridges guy so much, then I suspect…

Reviewing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

One of the earliest memories I have of watching a movie was as a tag along with my brother at his friend’s house. We watched the original live action TMNT movie (1990), and I recall being excited because I was familiar with the cartoon, and as a kid, name recognition is everything (which is why…

Reviewing Money Monster

When I first saw the preview for this movie, I had no interest in seeing it. To me, it looked like a dozen other movies I had seen before, and I was certain I knew exactly how it would play out. Yet, as I looked through options at Redbox, I saw the movie and talked…

Book Review: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

I first heard Nabeel Qureshi on an episode of the Gospel Coalition Podcast titled “Answering Jihad.” During the 38 minute interview led by Collin Hansen, Nabeel expounded on the topic in such a well articulated, knowledgeable way that he was captivating to listen to. But more than that, he had a respect for the religion of Islam…

Reviewing The Finest Hours

I suppose its one of those cyclical things: every few years we’re going to get a disaster at sea movie. In the last 20 years we had White Squall (1996), The Perfect Storm (2000), The Guardian (2006), All is Lost (2013), and now The Finest Hours (2016). The reason is simple: the sea is a…

Reviewing The Jungle Book

Let’s be honest right from the start: we can go ahead and file this one away under “Movies that didn’t need to exist.” Disney is in the midst of remaking all their animated classics as live action movies, because they have found that it is financially profitable to do so. This is the first one…

Reviewing Angry Birds

Normally, I would expect myself, being the curmudgeon that I am, to be so annoyed with the existence of this movie that I would protest it. After all, it is an obvious example of a movie that solely exists because execs thought they could squeeze a dime out of the name recognition with kids. However,…

Reviewing Keanu

Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele rose to fame with their sketch comedy show Key and Peele.  They were in things before that, most notably MADtv, as well as bit parts in some movies, but their own show was what really launched them into household names. And deservedly so. Who hasn’t changed the way they pronounce “Aaron”…